Kuwait Higher Education System and role of College Management Software

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Principles and general objective of education in Kuwait

Education is a right for all citizens in the State of Kuwait. The overall goal is to prepare individuals to be participants in society and are active and thoughtful in both private and public life. 

The state defines the role of education institutions in developing the above-mentioned qualities and training individuals that serve as a big pool of skilled human resources. 

Education is viewed as a primary tool to build a high-performing society at institutional, cultural, economical, and social levels. Hence, it is very important for education institutes to 

  • Strike a balance to preserve the cultural identity and prepare the citizens to meet the changing needs of the country at regional and international levels
  • Provide basic skills
  • Prepare citizens to stay abreast with international technological advancement
  • Prepare students to have a strong moral and intellectual fabric to face the general challenges life throws at them. 
  • Prepare youth to become active members of society

Apart from these long-term and short-term goals, there are some current priorities and concerns of the nation that are to be addressed urgently. 

Current Educational Priorities and Concerns

The world around Kuwait is making technological and scientific advancements in leaps and bounds. The ministry of education in Kuwait is aware of this fact and is constantly defining and redefining the role of education in Kuwaiti society. And hence, they have outlined a few priorities that have to be addressed on an urgent basis:

  • Developing a new curriculum
  • Developing new teaching methods
  • New literacy programs 
  • Special programs for gifted students 
  • Special programs for students with special needs
  • Student performance analysis and management
  • Target for higher student outcome 
  • Adding sciences and information technology to the curriculum
  • Developing school libraries


To guide the direction of education Ministry of Education has formulated a few changes at all levels of education. Rather than discussing them all, we would only be focusing on higher education. Ministry of Education objectifies higher education or post-secondary education to prioritize:

  • Specialized human resource training and development 
  • Respect society’s values and traditions
  • Have leadership qualities to guide society
  • Follow and contribute to the scientific progress for economic, social, and cultural development
  • Serve society
  • Achieve development while safeguarding society’s values and ethics
  • Strengthening Arab / Islamic cultural heritage
  • Contributing to Arab civilization with scientific research and development 
  • Development in arts and culture 
  • Infusing international standards in the areas of science and technology, and arts

Primary Concerns

One of the biggest challenges faced by the education system in Kuwait is the shortage of teachers. Also, the participation and inclination of males in society is very less towards the teaching profession. This elevates the concern as according to research, female teachers have a very high early retirement rate, wherein they are likely to exit the profession between the ages of 30-40. 

Males are highly reluctant towards joining the teaching profession. This becomes a challenge in front of the Ministry of Education as they have to address the challenges pertaining to teaching skill development, increased programs, and the addition of new curricula for science, arts, and information technology. The country has launched a variety of programs to motivate Kuwaiti youth to join the profession, professional training, and elevate the status of teachers in the country. 

Higher Education

As scientific and technological advancements are a huge part of the plan, there are committees set up to administer and assess the efforts of higher education institutes. 

The Committee for Scientific Affairs has been set up and affiliated with the Bureau of the Kuwait University Director of Scientific Affairs. Its role is to review and update the curricula of the fields of specialization to stay abreast with the latest developments in educational resources in international universities. Kuwait University also does periodical evaluations of science programs. For this purpose, Academic Excellence Scheme has been launched in view to strengthen the education system to meet international standards in the field of science. 

Academic Excellence Scheme assesses:

  • The academic level of students during their study at the university
  • The performance of teaching staff 
  • Research and community services 
  • Scientific facilities and equipment
  • Administrative and technical support 
  • Efficacy of the administrative system 

Emergence of the College Management System

With increasing focus and efforts towards improving the education system of the State of Kuwait, it is well established that the committee and authorities in Kuwait are gripping the education institutes to improve the quality of education and increase student outcomes. 

They have strict and high standards, which are very important to meet for the institutions to survive and stay profitable. Given that, the implementation of college management system in higher education institutes have shown some great results. 

The software helps in resource planning and management and provides automation of tasks. It is very useful in monitoring and managing student lifecycle, along with student performance analysis and management. It also comes with advanced tools for administration and streamlining of internal and external operations. 

With better data management, higher education institutes can use the in-built reporting system in the college management system to generate accurate reports and produce them for the regulatory authorities for accreditation and compliance. 

Key features of a college management system help in:

  • Automation of the processes for higher employee efficiency and productivity.
  • Performance analysis of teachers based on student outcomes, feedback, student success, and other factors. 
  • Attendance management of students and teachers both
  • Human resource management 
  • Fixed asset management 
  • Resource planning, implementation, and management 
  • Digital operations: Admission management, examination management, attendance management, financial management, accounts management, fee management, resource management 
  • Financial reporting and tax operations 
  • Accurate reports for accreditation
  • Higher revenue generation and faster ROI
  • Increased admission rate, and more. 

In essence, 

The government of Kuwait is making some major changes in the education system to meet their priorities and prepare the youth for future opportunities. Numerous schemes and regulatory authorities have mushroomed to assess and evaluate the performance of higher education institutes and see if they are meeting the long-term and short-term goals set by the Ministry of Education. 

In this scenario, College Management Software can help the higher education institutes in Kuwait to meet standards set by the government and stay profitable. It is a feature-rich tool that optimizes the experience of all the stakeholders in the system while streamlining operations, providing tools for administration and monitoring to ensure higher student outcomes and success. 

If you are searching for a College Management System that does this all for you, you have come to the right place. Academia CMS is a dynamic tool, that offers you 30+ modules to digitalize your operations and provide you with the above-mentioned to fulfill the high standards set by the Government of Kuwait.

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